Sunday, September 27, 2009

Of circadian rhythms

Sunset over the Pacific @ Todos Santos, Baja California Sur, Republic of Mexico

Every once in a blue moon, it is good to get away from the everyday rush of America and kick back, which is what we did recently for an an entire two weeks!

No phones (cellfone coverage is spotty down south,) very little internet, no newspapers. The hurricane that came through a few weeks before had left no evident damage. Time to kick back and assume a simpler schedule. Hike the beach at dawn, followed by breakfast, nap, lunch, nap, watch the sun go down. I ended up reading every trashy pulp novel previous visitors had left for us to read. The night sky in Baja is stupendous, with so little light pollution that the Milky Way paints the firmament, something that is becoming increasingly rare at home. The Pacific is not very pacific, with wild rollers every day, while the Sea of Cortez is like a warm bath by comparison.

It was good to get away, just as now, it is good to be back.